Poppers für Frauen

Poppers for women – bottle power for everyone

Until a few years ago, it was mainly men who had fun with poppers, but that has changed recently.
More and more women are ordering the little bottles from online stores.
Women also want to spice up their sex life, enjoy relaxed, pleasurable sex and experience unforgettable orgasms.
That’s why there are now also numerous poppers for women.

Why women discover poppers

Until a few years ago, the small or large bottles were mainly known in the gay scene.
One reason why women are now increasingly discovering poppers for themselves is the everlasting and absolutely justified desire for emancipation.
Why should only “tough guys” have fun with poppers?
Women, whether lesbian, bisexual or straight, are entitled to the same pleasure of sexual fulfillment.
So more and more women are ordering the smelling bottles and experimenting with them.

Here’s the next keyword: the joy of experimentation.
It’s not just men who enjoy finding new methods of sexual satisfaction; women also want to try out new things, test their limits and reach new, intense sexual climaxes.
In their often stressful everyday lives with work and/or family, they too are looking for ways to switch off, let go and simply enjoy themselves.
Poppers for women open the door to wish fulfillment.

Which poppers are suitable for women?

Some poppers brands want to take women’s wishes into account and develop special poppers for women. The LADY Poppers (10 or 24ml) and the Basic Bitch for Beginners (10 or 24ml) are available in two different bottle sizes. The smaller 10ml version is ideal for getting started in the world of poppers; if you have been using poppers for women for a long time, you will have a sufficient supply in the house with the 24ml. Some women not only want to have poppers to hand at home, but also a bottle for on the go. In this case, the Power Female Poppers Pack 3 x 10ml Poppers consisting of three small bottles is the solution. The pack consists of three different poppers. Their names alone (LADY Poppers, AMNESIA 420 Poppers and POP ME UP Poppers) sound like exciting relaxation before anal or vaginal sex.

Strength plays a role in terms of suitability.
There are poppers with six different strengths, with strength six being the maximum.
If you want to use poppers for women with different strengths, it makes sense to experiment with the different strengths and work your way up from level one, so to speak.
This will be a very exciting task, but will quickly show you which poppers for women are best suited to your personal desires.

How do poppers affect women?

How do poppers work for women?
The same as for men.
Poppers stimulate sexual desire.
The result is a much more intense sex experience.
Poppers for women are also inhaled and create a relaxing feeling that sets in after just a few seconds.
The effect of poppers for women is helpful if you want your muscles in the anus area and also in the area of your vagina to relax.
Sex is much easier when your muscles are relaxed.

Poppers for women are also useful if you need help with anal intercourse.
There are many women who are afraid of sex because penetration causes them pain.
This pain can be reduced with poppers.
For this reason, more and more women and couples in German-speaking countries are now using poppers for women.
If you would like to try it out, you can simply order LADY Poppers (10 or 24 ml) online, for example.

Advantages of poppers for women

The benefits of poppers for women are generating a great deal of interest in the little bottles, not only in German-speaking countries but also around the world.
One major advantage is the very rapid onset of poppers’ effects.
Just a few seconds after inhaling, a feeling of relaxation is noticeable, you feel pleasantly warm and you feel an irrepressible desire for hot sex.
Another advantage of poppers is that you lose a large part of your anxiety and are ready to simply let yourself go.
Poppers can also help you achieve a more intense orgasm.

This is precisely where the advantage of smelling bottles becomes apparent, as many women find it difficult to achieve an orgasm at all during sex with their partner.
Poppers for women are a real support, especially for women who are enthusiastic about anal sex or want to try it out.
They open up the blood vessels and relax the muscles so that penetration during anal sex hardly causes any pain.
You can also reduce the uncomfortable feeling during penetration with a good lubricant such as the S8 4-in-1 Dessert Lub 125ml Strawberry Pineapple.

Fun with yourself - Masturbating with poppers for women

Not every woman has a partner, but doesn’t want to miss out on sexual fulfillment.
For this reason, many resort to masturbation and simply have fun with themselves and perhaps a sex toy or two.
With a good poppers for women, every masturbation session can be transformed into an erotic and unforgettable experience.
You will be disinhibited and your anal or vaginal orgasm can be significantly intensified by inhaling poppers.

What do women need to consider when using poppers?

Just as with poppers for men, there are a few things to bear in mind when using poppers for women.
There are medical reasons that speak against the use of poppers.
If you are pregnant, for example, you should definitely avoid poppers because the ingredients can damage your baby’s development (poppers consist mainly of nitrites, i.e. alkyl esters of nitrous acid).

If you suffer from very low blood pressure, this is a good reason to avoid poppers.
Poppers lower blood pressure, which can have serious, sometimes even fatal consequences.
If you suffer from heart disease, poppers should also be taboo for you, as they temporarily lead to an increased heart rate.
You should also avoid poppers if you have drunk too much alcohol.