About Lederreiniger-online.de
Do you ship from Germany?
Yes, we send the poppers exclusively from Germany with Deutsche Post. This guarantees that you won’t have any customs problems and your parcel will reach you quickly.
How long will it take to get the package to me?
1-3 working days. This means that we will send the package on the day we receive the money. In the case of credit card payment, this is on the day of the order. We ship exclusively with Deutsche Post and DHL, which means the package delivery time is 1-2 working days. For example, if you order by credit card on Monday morning, you will receive your parcel on Wednesday.
I'm sure I won't have any customs problems if I order from you?
Yes, we ship exclusively from Germany. This guarantees that you won’t have any customs problems and you won’t have to pay any extra customs duties, VAT, etc.
How is the package labeled by you?
We always send our packages neutrally, ie without advertising on the Shipping box . The sender is Oxymoron AG. In this way we protect your privacy.
How are the poppers packed?
The poppers are securely packed in a ZIP bag and a protective net and / or flo-pack. With this we protect the poppers from leaking and from a bad smell in the milk crate.